Otaku Addon. Everything you need to know about it.
In this article, let's us learning about "Otaku addon: What is it?", and "step by step install Otaku addon to your kodi"...You also can found more information about this addon like "the newest Repo URL address which this add-on located inside etc...".
Otaku addon: What is it?
Otaku is a working video addon kodi in 2023 that focus all about Anime. If you are looking for some good addons to enjoy Anime then Otaku add-on exactly correct answer for you at this time. Otaku scrape different sources for videos and listed for you alots of working links to enjoy.
The main category of Otaku addon with main sections including:
- Airing Anime Calender
- Airing Anime
- Movies
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- Top 100 Anime
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Which kodi repository URL address that Kodi Otaku addon located inside?
Currently, you can found Alvin addon inside Hooty’s Repository. We have updated the newest URL address of Hootys repository in the "Step by step to install Otaku kodi addon guide". If you are interesting this addon, you can scroll down to bottom of this article to read now.
Step by step to install Otaku Kodi Addon Tutorial.
- Let open your Kodi
- From the home kodi screen, click System Settings Button
- Click File manager
- Then scroll down to select Add source
- A box will popup, select <None>
- In media location box, you need type exactly this url:
& click OK to confirm
- In media source box, give for it a name, ex: Otaku & continue click OK to confirm
- Go back to kodi home screen, select the line Add-ons
- Then click Add-ons Browser (box icon) on top left bar
- Now, select Install from zip file
- Find and click the line Otaku in your list
- Continue select repository.hooty-x.x.zip
- Wait few seconds, you'll see a notification say that "Hooty’s Repository installed", go to next steps
- Now, select Install from repository
- Scroll down to find & select Hooty’s Repository
- Select Video-addons
- Find and select addon Otaku
- Click Install button to begin install this addon on your kodi
- Pls patient, this process will spent fews seconds or longer...All process will finished after you see the kodi's notification say that "Otaku.,.addon.,.installed".
Done! Enjoy
Are you a new kodi user? Checkout our new & best Kodi Addons List, You never know, you can found something of interest.
#Kodi Otaku Addon more information.
The Otaku addon is based on the popular Kaito addon and comes with a lot of content to discover. It's working so good currently & it's one of the best Anime kodi addons at this time. This addon is created by Otaku team & located inside official Otaku repository... Currently, this team has offline their repository and contact to Hooty team & located it to Hooty's repository. In the future, if there are any changes, we will update new repo URL as soon as possible
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